Monday, 7 March 2016

Why you should use WordPress ?

Why WordPress is better than Blogger and other Websites?

Often beginners ask us: Why should I use
WordPress? Isn’t my old site good enough?

Why do I need to switch to WordPress? If
you’re asking these questions, then you’re at
the right place. In this article, we have
compiled a few reasons why you should use
WordPress, in what ways you can use
WordPress, and who is using WordPress.
People often make the mistake of classifying
WordPress as just a blogging platform.
Although that used to be true in the past,
WordPress has evolved through out the
years into a versatile content management
system (CMS). While you can still use
WordPress to create a simple blog, now it
also allows you to create fully functional
websites and mobile applications.

The best part about WordPress is that it’s
easy to use and flexible enough for just
about anything. That’s the main reason why
WordPress has grown so much in
popularity. According to a recent survey,
WordPress powers 22.5% of all websites on
the internet.

Due to it’s robust features, many of the top
brands use WordPress to power their
websites including but not limited to: Time
Magazine, Google, Facebook, Sony, Disney,
LinkedIn, The New York Times, CNN, eBay,
and more.
Let’s take a look at why you should use

WordPress is Free as in Freedom
WordPress is a free software, this means
you are free to download, install, use and
modify it. You can use it to create any kind
of website. It is also open source which
means the source code of the software is
available for any one to study, modify and
play with.

There are currently 2600+ WordPress
themes and 31,000+ plugins available for
free. You can download, install and use
them on any website.
To run WordPress, all you need is a domain
and web hosting.

Due to the nature of open source,
WordPress is a community software. It is
maintained by a large group of volunteers
majority of whom are WordPress
consultants with active interest in growing
and maintaining WordPress. Anyone can
contribute to WordPress by writing patches,
answering support questions, writing
plugins, creating themes, translating
WordPress and updating documentation.
By using WordPress you become part of that
awesome community. You get free support
from other community members, download
free plugins and themes, and once you have
little experience with WordPress you can
even contribute back to the community.
WordPress is Easy to Use and Learn
WordPress is used by millions of people and
almost every day new people are joining the
WordPress community by creating their
first WordPress powered websites. The
reason why people quickly adapt to
WordPress is because it is fairly easy to use.

Our website WPBeginner has tons of
articles written specifically for beginner
level WordPress users. We have a detailed
step by step guide on how to install
WordPress and hundreds of other
WordPress tutorials.

If you want someone experienced to setup
your WordPress site, then our talented staff
members are happy to help you get started.
The best part is that we offer a Free
WordPress Blog Setup service.
For any WordPress related issue, you can
search the web or search our archives, and
you will definitely find help.

WordPress is Extendable by Using Themes
and Plugins
Most people using WordPress are neither
web designers nor programmers. As a
matter of fact most folks start using
WordPress without any prior knowledge of
designing websites.

The reason why WordPress is such an ideal
candidate is because there are thousands of
free templates (themes) to choose from, so
you can give your website any look you
want. There is a WordPress theme for just
about everything. Whether you want a
photography theme, magazine theme,
portfolio theme, or an eCommerce theme.
There is a perfect theme available for every
kind of website.

WordPress themes are easy to customize
because a lot of them come with their own
options panel allowing you to change colors,
upload logo, change background, create
beautiful sliders, and do other cool things
with your website without ever writing any
code at all.
WordPress is super flexible and can be
extended by using plugins. Just like themes,
there are thousands of free and premium
plugins available for you to use . Not only
these plugins can add extra functionality to
WordPress, there are lots of plugins which
can add a whole new platform to your
WordPress site.
WordPress is Search Engine Friendly
WordPress is written using standard
compliance high quality code and produces
semantic mark up which makes your site
very attractive to search engines.
By design WordPress is very SEO friendly,
and you can make it even more SEO
friendly by using WordPress SEO plugin.
WordPress is Easy To Manage
WordPress comes with built-in updater that
allows you to update your plugins and
themes from within your WordPress admin
dashboard. It also notifies you when there is
a new version of WordPress is available, so
you can update it by just clicking a button.
You can keep all your WordPress content
safe by setting up automated regular
WordPress Backups.
WordPress is developed with security in
mind, so it is considered quite safe and
secure to run any website. However, just
like the real world, the internet can be an
uncertain place.

What ways to use WordPress?
WordPress can be used in many different
ways. It is open to possibilities. Our site is
not a blog, it is more of a business resource
website, and we are running it on
WordPress. You can use WordPress as the
Content Management System (CMS)
Rating Website
Shopping Store
Video Collection Site
Membership Site

Note that above are just some examples of
how you can use WordPress. To see how
other top businesses are using WordPress
We hope this article answered your
question about why you should use
WordPress. The best way to experience the
true power of WordPress is by using it. Give
it a try, and let us know what you think.


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